football Edit

Trailblazer decides

JucoJunction has the latest on one player from the Midwest. Read more about this player and where he is headed off to for next season in this story right here on your source for junior college basketball recruiting news.
"Jan Petrovcic has signed with Southeastern Louisiana University for next season" said Vincennes University Assistant Coach Brian Davis.
The power forward averaged 7.6 points and 8.4 rebounds per game this season for the Trailblazers. The Trailblazers finished the season at 18-13 under head coach Todd Franklin.
Petrovcic shot 55.7 percent from the floor this season. Teammate Brandon Darrett will take his game to Division Two Kentucky State University according to coach Davis.
Stay tuned to JucoJunction all season long for the latest in basketball recruiting news from the junior college world.